Sunday, 23 July 2017


Students especially in university will get more an assignment or homework that they get form their lecturer. Sometimes, their assignment must get some research to do by themselves either at library nor research in web. Unfortunately, not all students will get their research by themselves, maybe they will pay their friend to finish their assignment or just copy their friend's work which is called plagiarism. From there, we knows that integrity effects to your assignment including lecturer in this problem if they are honest or not when they mark student's paper.

Plagiarism is copying the work of others, especially students or taking other people's ideas from various sources such as the internet. It is not based on that when work by ourselves.

The way you want to avoid from plagiarism is you must have reference. You must find reference with make some research at library to find some source for your reference. Compare to novel which is totally different because novelist has their own ideas while student must find source by them self to make their assignment.

There is a way for lecturer to detect if their students steal an idea from another person or they make their assignment by themselves. The lecturer use Turnitin web which is lecturer can measure the student's assignment if their work has a similar with other people's idea or not. So, it easier for lecturer to check the assignment :)

In case if the similarity of student's assignment with other resources is more than 30%, the student's must re-do back their assignment by themselves using their own resources that they have found.


First of all, students is related with Grade Point Average (GPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). So, students must know how to calculate their GPA for make them easy to target their marks to get for Dean List. 

Formula pengiraan GPA: 

GPA Calculation:


"Success is the best revenge."

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